Alpheus Drake
26 July 1772 ----- 10 July 1854
Alpheus was counted in the following censuses:
1840 in Maine, Cumberland County, Portland Ward 6; Page 136; Image61, Roll M704-137
Name of Head of Household:Alpheus Drake
males 10-15 one
males 30-40 one
males 40-50 one
females 40-50 one
1850 in Maine, Cumberland County, Auburn; Page 16; Image 223, Roll M432-250
Line 27-34; Dwelling # 208; Family visitation # 208
Nathaniel Drake - age 55, M, Farm, value of real Estate owned 1000, place of birth ME
Lennet Drake - age 46, F, ME.
Ann M. - age 20, F, ME, Attended school within the year
Mary A. - age 17, F, ME, Attended school within the year
Cyne P. - age 8, M, ME, Attended school within the year
Mariam - age 3, M, ME, Attended school within the year
Jason D.Deaker? - 14, Mfarm, ME
Alpheus Drake - 78, M, farm, 1000, ME
Alpheus Drake