Gregorio Roisi
10 May 1885 ---- 23 December 1971
Gregorio was counted in the following census:
1930 in New York, Monroe County, Rochester City ( Nash Street.
Rosi, Gregorio, head, rent-$14., male, white, age 45,
married, age at first marriage 37, able to read and write, place of birth Italy, father and mother place of birth Italy, mother tongue Italian, year of immigration to US 1905, Alien, Laborer, Building Construction, line number for unemployment 4A23.
Rosi, Mary, wife, female, white, age 28, married,
first marriage age 20, place of birth for self and parents New York.
Josephine, age 6
Antionia, age 3 5/12
Joseph, age 1 11/12.
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Daily Record Rochester N. Y Monday January 13, 1947
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Daily Record Rochester, N. Y.
Tuesday January 4, 1972
DirectoriesGregorio resided: Rocester Directories (Rochester Public Library)
1929www. Ancestory .com Database Rochester New York, City Directories Rossi, Gregorio (Mary) laborer, h, 152 Lewis
1933/1934 in Rochester City, Monroe County, New York. Roisi Gregorio (Mary) lab h 56 Gilmore
1940 in Rochester City, Monroe County, New York. Roisi Gregory r 188 Ormond
1941/1942 in Rochester City, Monroe County, New York. Roisi Gregory r 188 Ormond St
1946 in Rochester City, Monroe County, New York. Roisi Gregorio Blue Heaven Lunch Room 3 Hudson Ave r 188 Ormond St
1948 in Rochester City, Monroe County, New York. Roisi Gregorio (Blue Heavon Lunch Room) 3 Hudson Ave 3
CertificatesMonroe County Marriages
Gregorio Roisi & Hilda Marie (Mary Curtis?)
Certification #: 22249
Married January 15, 1934
Applied December 28, 1933 U. S. Subject Index To Correspondence And Case Files Of The Immigration And Naturalization Service,1903-1959
Roisi, Gregory 753
AR-1018153 2304-P-37937 ROISI, GREGORY: DD Buffalo recommends peth denied, failurento establish character. 8-15-45
Subject title: Character
Date:15 Aug 1945
Roll Contact Description: Certificates
Roll Number: 6
This is from original Paperwork. A picture was on the blank spot.
Personnal description of holder as of date of naturalization: Age 61 years; sex Male
complexion Medium ; Color of Eyes Blue ; Color of Hair Brown-gray ; Height 5 feet 0 inches;
weight 135 pounds ; Visable distinctive marks mole on right side of nose
Marital status Divorced.; Former nationality Italy
I certify that the discription above given is true and that the photograph affixed
hereto is a likeness of me.
complete and true signature of holder
Monroe County } SS:
State of New York
Be it Known that at a term of the Supreme Court of
New York
held pursuant to law at Rochester, New York
on August 27th, 1946 the court having found that
Gregory Roisi
then residing at 188 Ormond Street, Rochester, New York
intends to reside permanently in the United States when so
required by the Naturalization law's of the United States,
had in all other respects complied with the applicable
provisions of such naturalization law's and was entitled
to be admitted to citizanship there upon ordered that such
person be and (s)he was admitted as a citizen of the
United States of America.
In testimony where of the seal of the court is here
unto affixed this 27th day of August in the year of our
Lord nineteen hundred and forty-six and of our
Independence the one hundred and seventy-first.
Walter H. Wichires
Clerk of the supreme Court
Paperwork with prints
Edward J. Donyan State of New York William E. Cashin
Commissioner Department of Corrections Directors
Division of Criminal Identification
43-45 Columbia Street
Police Dept. Albany 7. N. Y.
Identification Bureau September 19,1952
Rochester NY
Dear Sir:
We have received from your Department a copy of the fingerprints of the following
applicant for a pistol license: (carry)
Name of applicant Address County
Gregorio Roissi 112 1/2 Ells St
Rochester NY Monroe
Be advised that our files fails to disclose any criminal record concerning
this person.
Very truly yours,
Edward J Donyan
Commissioner of Correction
Pistol License Application
Name: Gregorio Roisi, Street: 112 1/2 Wells, City: Rochester, County: Monroe.
Age: 67, male, 145 lbs., race: white, Hair: gray, Eyes: Blue, Country or State: Italy
Unemployed, Retired, never had a pistol license, Do not posses a pistol or revolver
If you posses one what kind: Harrington & Richardson, .32, M-115
Have you ever been arrested? Yes. Ever Indicted? No
If so, state where, when, what offence, circumstances. 8-11-35 Vagrancy, withdrawn & dismissed by police
Character References
Peter Tubiolo, 159 woodbury, Petes furniture
Charles De Carlo, (cant read address or occupation)
Max Rekarsky, 345 Hudson Ave., grocery
Peter P. Fannini, 600 Arnett Blvd., plumbing contractor
Signed and sworn 16th Sept. 1954
Picture on Application and finger prints on another page.
Gregorio Roisi