Joseph Allen Cornell
23 May 1928 ------- 15 Nov. 1997
Joey Cornell 1945.
Joseph was born with the Roisi name but after joining the armed forces changed it to Cornell to avoid the stigma of the Roisi name.
Joseph was counted in the following census:
1930 in New York, Monroe County, Rochester City ( Nash Street.
Rosi, Gregorio, head, rent-$14., male, white, age 45,
married, age at first marriage 37, able to read and write, place of birth Italy, father and mother place of birth Italy, mother tongue Italian, year of immigration to US 1905, Alien, Laborer, Building Construction, line number for unemployment 4A23.
Rosi, Mary, wife, female, white, age 28, married,
first marriage age 20, place of birth for self and parents New York.
Josephine, age 6
Antionia, age 3 5/12
Joseph, age 1 11/12
1940 in New York, Monroe County, Rochester; ED 65-74 page 10; 11 April 1940
Lines 57-63; Lyell Avenue; House # 187; Family visited # 104; Rented; $15; does household live on farm: No
Roisi, Hilda - Head, female, white, age 35, M,
attended school or college in 1940: no;
Highest Grade of school completed: 5;
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;
On a farm Yes or No? -
was this person AT Work for pay or profit in private or nonemerency Govt. work during week of March 24 - 30? No;
If not, was he at work on, or assigned to public emergency work (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? No;
If neither at work or assigned to public emergency work ("NO" in Colm. 21 & 22) Was this person seeking work? No;
If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB business, etc.? No;
for persons answering "no" to quest 21,22,23 and 24. Indicate whether engaged in home house work (H) in school (S) unable to work (U) or other (Ot)? U ;
Josephine - daughter, female, white, age 15, single,
attended school or college in 1940: yes;
Highest Grade of school completed: H1
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;
On a farm Yes or No? No
Antonina - daughter, female, white, age 13, single,
attended school or college in 1940: yes;
Highest Grade of school completed: 4;
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;
On a farm Yes or No? No
Joseph - son, male, white, age 11, single,
attended school or college in 1940: yes;
Highest Grade of school completed: 3;
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;
On a farm Yes or No? No
Carolyn - daughter, female, white, age 9, single,
attended school or college in 1940: yes;
Highest Grade of school completed: 2;
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;
On a farm Yes or No? No
Gregory -son, male, white, age 8, single,
attended school or college in 1940: yes;
Highest Grade of school completed: 1;
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;
On a farm Yes or No? No
Pauline - daughter, female, white, age 6, single,
attended school or college in 1940: yes;
Highest Grade of school completed: 0;
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;
On a farm Yes or No? No
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Livingston County Leader February 1949
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Harold Mail Fairport N. Y. Thursday June 9, 1949
Joey Cornell 1947.
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Daily Record Rochester N. Y. Tuesday January 4, 1972
Death Information
Was married and has children
Joseph Allen Cornell