DEATH: Taken from
Corning NY Democrat - August 3, 1876
John Grought (John C. Crout), a farmer
residing at Beaver Dams, met his death
early Monday Afternoon, under the following
circumstances: He intended going to visit
a son-in-law, GEORGE COOK residing at Caton
and to make a short cut from here took the
Eris Track to a lane leading from the tracks
near George Wolcott's. When neer the bridge
he was warned of the approach of Train 38
coming behind him, and he was on the eastern
bound track but not in time to avoid Train
35 which was going west. He attempted to
leave the track but did not succeed and was
struck by the engine and thrown against the
bridge. He received several injuries about
the abdomen and neck, his right arm was also
broken. Train 35 picked him up and brought
him to this station where he died about half
past two, living about two hours after receiving
the injuries. He was a man of about sixty-five
years of age, and leaves a wife and several children.
The Coroner, Dr. Wylie, of Bath held an inquest
on Monday evening. The jury rendered a verdict in
accordance with the above facts and exonerated the
Erie Railway Co. and its employees from all blame.