Lewis Raish
Lewis Raish was counted in the following censuses:
1900 in New York, Steuben County, Dansville Town
Ancestry.com; ED # 81; Page 3B; 7 Jun 1900
Line # 92 - 100; Dwelling # 74; Family Visited # 74
Raish, Leonard - head, white, male, date of birth May 1865, age 35,
married 5 years, self born in NY, parents born in Germany,
occupation - farmer, able to read and write, rent farm
----, Bertha - wife, white, female, date of birth Feb 1877, age 23,
married, 5 years, 2 children born, 2 living,
self and parents born in NY, able to read and write
----, Mildred - daughter, white, female, date of birth June 1897, age 2, single, self and parents born in NY
----, Lewis A. - son, white, male, date of birth Jan 1899, age 1, single, self and parents born in NY
----, Clarence - Brother, white, male, date of birth Jan 1875,
age 25, married 9 years, self and parents born in NY, occupation - farm laborer, able to read and write
----, Gertie - s-in-law, white, female, date of birth Sept 1867,
age 32, married, 9 years, 3 children born, 3 living, self and parents born in NY, able to read and write
----, Leona - Niece, white, female, date of birth Aug 1893, age 7, single, self and parents born in NY
----, Dora E. - Niece, white, female, date of birth Sept 1895, age 4, single, self and parents born in NY
----, Ella K. - Niece, white, female, date of birth Dec 1897, 2 single, self and parents born in NY
1910 in New York, Steuben County, Hornellsville
Ancestry.com; Enumeration District 147; Sheet # 33; Image 737 Roll T624_1080; 5 May 1910
Line # 2-7; Weed Road; Dwelling # 186; Family visited # 202
Raish, Leonard - head, male, age 43, married, married 15 years, born in NY, parents born in Germany, occupation farmer, general farm, emp, rents, farm
---, Bertha - wife, female, age 33, married, married 15 years, self and parents born in NY
---, Mildred - daughter, female, age 13, single, born in NY, attended school
---, Lewis - son, male, age 11, born in NY, attended school
---, Lillian - daughter, female, age /12, born in NY
Webb, Foster - Uncle, male, age 70, widowed, self and parents born in NY, occupation farmer, on farm
1915in New York State Census, Steuben County, Town of Hornellsville, Assembly district 02 , Line 22-26, Page No. 3,
Batey Road
Raish, Leonard
Relationship to head of family. Head,
Color . white
Sex. male,
Age . 49
Nativity. U. S.
Citizen or Alien Cit;
Occupation , trade or profession of or kind of work done by each person enumerated. Farmer (harvester) , class OA
Raish, Bertha
Relationship to head of family. Wife,
Color . white
Sex. female,
Age . 38
Nativity. U. S.
Citizen or Alien Cit;
Occupation , trade or profession of or kind of work done by each person enumerated. Housework
Raish, Lewis
Relationship to head of family. son,
Color . white
Sex. male,
Age . 16
Nativity. U. S.
Citizen or Alien Cit;
Occupation , trade or profession of or kind of work done by each person enumerated. Farm Laborer
Raish, Lilian
Relationship to head of family. Daughter,
Color . white
Sex. female,
Age . 6
Nativity. U. S.
Citizen or Alien Cit;
Occupation , trade or profession of or kind of work done by each person enumerated. Below School Age
Raish, Lloyd
Relationship to head of family. son,
Color . white
Sex. male,
Age . 3
Nativity. U. S.
Citizen or Alien Cit;
Occupation , trade or profession of or kind of work done by each person enumerated. Below School Age
New York, Stuben County, Hornellsville
(Ancestry.com - Enumeration Of The Inhabitants of block no. X; Assembly District 02; Page 21;Line No. 02)
Oak Hill Rd
Raish, Lennard - Head,W,Male,59yrs old
U. S.
Citizenship; 59 yrs.
Class W
Raish, Bertha - wife, W,F, 49yrs old
U. S.
Citizenship; 49 yrs.
House Work
Raish, Lewis A. - son, W,F, 26yrs old
U. S.
Citizenship; 26 yrs.
Raish, Gladys - daughter, W,F, 15yrs old
U. S.
Citizenship; 15 yrs.
Raish, Eline - daughter, W,F, 13yrs old
U. S.
Citizenship; 13 yrs.
1930 in New York, Steuben County, Hornellsville
Ancestry.com;Enumeration District 58; Sheet # 14B, 26 Apr 1930
Oak Hill, # of dwelling: 321, # of family: 346 & 347; Line # 72-76
Raish, Lenord - head, age 63, rented, lives on farm, married, age at first marriage-27,
self born in New York, parents born in GERMANY, farmer, Dairy farm, owner, not a veteran, no. of farm schedule 112
----, Bertha - wife, age 53, married at age 19, all from New York
----, Lewis - son, age 31, single, dairy farmer
Brabel, Lillian D. - daughter, age 20, married at age 18, rent, $10 for rent
----, Neil F. - husband, age 29, married at age 27, all from New York, lineman, Western ?,
code 8679, whether actually at work-NO, line number for unemployed-58, not a veteran."
Military History
World War I Draft Regisration Card C 12 Sept 1918
www.Ancestry.com Steuben County N. Y.
Serial Number, Order Number1959, 4757 Lewis Albertus Raish
Address R. D. #1 Hornell Stueben N. Y.
Age by year19
Date of Birth Jan. 7, 1899
RaceWhite Citizen
U. S. Citizen Nateral born
Present occupation Farming
Employer's Name Leonard Raish
Where employed Corning
Place of employment or buisness R. D. #4 Hornellsville, Stueben, N. Y.
Nearest Relitive Leonard Raish (Father)
Address Hornell #4 Steuben, N. Y.
Tall, medium, or short (specify which) short
Slender, medium, or stout (which) stout
Color of eyes Blue
Color of hair Black
U. S. World War II Army Enlistment Records 1938-1946
Lewis A. Raish
Birth Year1899
Race White, citizen
Nativity State or County New York
State of Residence New York
County or City Monroe
Enlistment Date 10 Sept 1942
Emlistment State New York
Enlistment City Rochester
Branch Branch Immaterial-Warrant Officers, U. S. A.
Branch Code Branch Immaterial-Warrant Officers, U. S. A.
Grade Private
Grade Code Private
Term of enlistment Enlistment for the duration of the war or other emergency, plus six months, subjuct to the discretion of the
President or otherwise according to law
Component Selecees (Enlisted Men)
Source civil life
Education Grammer school
Civil Occupation Stock clerks
Marital Status Single, without dependents
Height 62
Weight 118
Ancestry.com-U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010
Name: Lewis Raish
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 7 Jan 1899
Death Date: 8 April 1971
Cause of Death: Natural
SSN: ***-**-0556
Branch 1: Army
Enlistment Date 1: 10 Sept 1942
Release Date 1: 17 Feb 1943
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Evening Leader, Corning, N. Y.
Thursday October 23, 1958
www. Ancestory .com Database U. S. City Directories, 1821-1989
1944Raish Lewis A. 700 Driving Park av. r 681 Lexington
1948Raish Lewis A (margt) yardmti, 700 Driving Park Ave
1957 Raish Lewis A. (Margt E.) Beaterman Flower City Tissue Mills Co. h, 103 Clifford Ave
1959Raish Lewis A. (Margt E.) Beaterman Flower City Tissue Mills Co. h, 103 Clifford Ave
Name: Lewis Raish
Birth Date: 7 Jan 1899
Death Date: Apr 1971
Last Residence: Rochester, Monroe, NY
Issued: NY (before 1951)
Lewis Raish