Mary Anna Diehl Frank
Mary Anna (Anna or Marian) was counted in the following censuses:
1920 in New York, Monroe County, City of Rochester; ED 192; 8 Jan 1920
Lines 9 - 15; Milkens Street; House # 298; Dwelling # 101; Family visited # 100
Diehl, Frank - Head, rent, male, white, age 62, married,
year of immigration 1893, NA, year of naturalized 1900, not able to
read and write, born in Poland, mother tongue Polish, parents born in
Poland, able to speak English, Occupation - Janitor, Stromberg Co., wage worker
----, Josephine - wife, female, white, age 48, married,
year of immigration 1896, NA, not able to read and write, born in
Poland, mother tongue Polish, parents born in Poland, able to speak English
----, Frank - son, male, white, age 21, single,
able to read and write, born in (says) Rochester, NY,
parents born in Poland, able to speak English, occupation - Storm Cr?, Boc?paper, wage worker
----, Joseph - son, male, white, age 20, single,
able to read and write, born in NY, parents born in Poland,
able to speak English, occupation - ?phene, Stromberg Co., wage worker
----, Stanley - son, male, white, age 16, single,
able to read and write, born in NY, parents born in Poland,
able to speak English, occupation - none
----, Josephine Jr.(that's what it says Jr.) - daughter, female, white, age 11, single, attended school,
able to read and write, born in NY, parents born in Poland, able to speak English
----, Mary - daughter, female, white, age 8, single, attended school,
able to read and write, born in Pavilion, NY, parents born in Poland,
able to speak English
Applied for marriage license
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Daily Record Tuesday October 15, 1929
1930 in New York, Monroe County, City of Rochester, Enumeration District 28-189; Sheet Number 11B, 19 Apr 1930
Line number 96-97; Avenue D.;house number 914; Dwelling # 204; family visited 210
Frank, Edward - head, rent $30.00, radio set, male, age 21, married, married at age 21, self born in New York, father born in Germany, mother born in New York, occupation Truck Driver, industry moving
----, Marian - wife, female, age 19, married at age 19, self born in New York, parents born in Austria, occupation Lacquer Sprayer, industry Kodak only
1940 in New York,Monroe County, Rochester , Ward of city 17,block #15 ,; ED 64-46; Supervisor District No. 38 , Sheet # 5B ; 11, April 1940
(1)Street,Avenue,road,ect. North Street
(2)House Number. 231
(3) No.of household in order of visitation. 121
(4)Home owed (o) or rented (r). r
(5) Value of home or Monthly rental if rented. $ 12.00
(6) farm yes or no: no
(7) Name of each person whose usual place of residence on April 1,1940 was in this household . Be sure to include: 1. Persons temporarily absent from household.Write "AB" after names of persons. 2. Children under 1 year of age write "infant" if child has not been given a first name enter X after name of person furnishing information. Frank,Edward
(8) Relationship of the person to the head of the household,as wife,daughter,father,mother-in-law,grandson,lodger,lodger's wife,servant,hired hand,ect. Head,
(9) sex.male,
(10) Color or Race. white
(11) age at last birthday. 31.
(12) Marital Status. M.
(13)Attended school or collage at any time since March 1, 1940 No;
(14)Highest Grade of school completed 8;
(15)Place of Birth New York
(16) Citizenship of the foreign born. Blank
(17)In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935? For a person that lived in a differant place, enter city or town,county and state. Same Place (18) County. Blank(19)State or territory or foreign country. Blank
(20)On a farm Yes or No? Blank.
(21)was this person AT Work for pay or profit in private or nonemerency Govt. work during week of March 24 - 30? yes;
(22) If not, was he at work on, or assigned to public emergency work (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30?Blank
(23) If neither at work or assigned to public emergency work ("NO" in Colm. 21 & 22) Was this person seeking work? Blank
(24)If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB business, etc.? Blank
(25)for persons answering "no" to quest 21,22,23 and 24. Indicate whether engaged in home house work (H) in school (S) unable to work (U) or other (Ot)? Blank
(26)If at private or non emergancy Govt. work "yes" in col.21 Number of hours worked during week of March 24- 30,1940. 48
(27)If seeking work or assigned to public emergancy work. "yes" in col. 22 or 23. Duration of unemployment up tp March 30, 1940 in weeks. 237
For a person at work, assigned to public emergency work, or with a job ("Yes " in Col. 21, 22 or 24) enter present occupation, industry and class of worker.
For a person seeking work ("Yes" in Col 23:); (a) IF he has previous work experience, enter last occupation, industry and class of worker;
or (b) If he does not have previous work experience, enter "Newworker" in Col. 28 and leave Cols. 29 and 30 blank.
Occupation Trade, Profession , or particular kind of work, as - frame spinner, salesman, laborer, rivet heater, music teacher?Truck Driver
(29) INDUSTRY-Industry or business, as - cotton mill, retail grocery, farm, shipyard, public school. Casting Company
(30)Class of Worker . PW
(31) Number of weeks worked in 1939 (equivalent full -time weeks)? 52
(32)Income in 1939 (12 months ending December 31, 1939) Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions)? 492 .
(33)Did this person receive income of $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary? No
(7) Name of each person whose usual place of residence on April 1,1940 was in this household . Be sure to include: 1. Persons temporarily absent from household.Write "AB" after names of persons. 2. Children under 1 year of age write "infant" if child has not been given a first name enter X after name of person furnishing information. Mary
(8) Relationship of the person to the head of the household,as wife,daughter,father,mother-in-law,grandson,lodger,lodger's wife,servant,hired hand,ect. Wife
(9) sex.female,
(10) Color or Race. white
(11) age at last birthday. 28.
(12) Marital Status. M.
(13)Attended school or collage at any time since March 1, 1940 No;
(14)Highest Grade of school completed 8
(15)Place of BirthNew York
(16) Citizenship of the foreign born. Blank
(17)In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935? For a person that lived in a differant place, enter city or town,county and state. Same Place (18) County. Blank(19)State or territory or foreign country. Blank
(20)On a farm Yes or No? No.
(21)was this person AT Work for pay or profit in private or nonemerency Govt. work during week of March 24 - 30? No;
(22) If not, was he at work on, or assigned to public emergency work (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? No
(23) If neither at work or assigned to public emergency work ("NO" in Colm. 21 & 22) Was this person seeking work? No
(24)If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB business, etc.? No
(25)for persons answering "no" to quest 21,22,23 and 24. Indicate whether engaged in home house work (H) in school (S) unable to work (U) or other (Ot)? H
(26)If at private or non emergancy Govt. work "yes" in col.21 Number of hours worked during week of March 24- 30,1940. Blank
(27)If seeking work or assigned to public emergancy work. "yes" in col. 22 or 23. Duration of unemployment up tp March 30, 1940 in weeks.Blank
For a person at work, assigned to public emergency work, or with a job ("Yes " in Col. 21, 22 or 24) enter present occupation, industry and class of worker.
For a person seeking work ("Yes" in Col 23:); (a) IF he has previous work experience, enter last occupation, industry and class of worker;
or (b) If he does not have previous work experience, enter "Newworker" in Col. 28 and leave Cols. 29 and 30 blank.
Occupation Trade, Profession , or particular kind of work, as - frame spinner, salesman, laborer, rivet heater, music teacher? Blank
(29) INDUSTRY-Industry or business, as - cotton mill, retail grocery, farm, shipyard, public school. Blank
(30)Class of Worker . Blank
(31) Number of weeks worked in 1939 (equivalent full -time weeks)? Blank
(32)Income in 1939 (12 months ending December 31, 1939) Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions)? Blank.
(33)Did this person receive income of $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary? Blank
(7) Name of each person whose usual place of residence on April 1,1940 was in this household . Be sure to include: 1. Persons temporarily absent from household.Write "AB" after names of persons. 2. Children under 1 year of age write "infant" if child has not been given a first name enter X after name of person furnishing information. Delores
(8) Relationship of the person to the head of the household,as wife,daughter,father,mother-in-law,grandson,lodger,lodger's wife,servant,hired hand,ect. daughter
(9) sex. female,
(10) Color or Race. white
(11) age at last birthday. 9.
(12) Marital Status. S
(13)Attended school or collage at any time since March 1, 1940 Yes;
(14)Highest Grade of school completed4
(15)Place of Birth New York
(16) Citizenship of the foreign born. Blank
(17)In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935? For a person that lived in a differant place, enter city or town,county and state. Same Place (18) County. Blank(19)State or territory or foreign country. Blank
(20)On a farm Yes or No? Blank.
Birth Certificate
Source: Town Clerk in Pavilion, New York
Diel, Anna Maud, 27 Sep 1911
Full Name of Child: Anna Maud Diel
Sex: F
Date of Birth: Sept. 27, 1911
Place of Birth: Pavilion, New York
Maiden Name of Mother: Josephine Zoolinik (40 years old)
Born in Austria
Name of Father: Frank Diel (49 years old)
Born in Austria
Marriage Information
City of Rochester Archives and Records Center, Historic Marriage Records Research Site ----
Year of marriage: 1929
Last Name: Diehl
First Name: Anna
Middle Initial: M
Spouse's Last Name: Frank
Spouse's First Name: Edward
Spouse's Middle Initial: E
Volume: 24
License # 60791
Marriage License
Date Married: October 19, 1929
Name: Edward E. Frank
Residence: 190 Weaver Street
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 8/18/1908
Place of birth: Victor, NY
Occupation: Chauffer
Father: Richard Frank
Fathers place of birth: Germany
Mother: Mary Bastian
Mothers place of birth: USA
Name: Anna M. Diehl
Residence: 84 Edward Street
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 9/26/1911
Place of Birth: Pavilion, NY
Occupation: Kodak Company
Father: Francis Diehl
Fathers place of birth: Austria
Mother: Josephine G(Z)olenic
Mothers place of birth: Austria
Witnesses: Mable Frank & Orlando Knight
Mary Anna Diehl Frank